YOUR ROAR WAS HEARD! THANK YOU for changing the lives of some of the forgotten furry souls.
10 cats and 21 dogs were sterilized! That is 31 furkids!!! (Number 32, a dog named Steffie, only received vaccinations and tick/flea treatment as it turned out she was already sterilized.) That brings us to 533 sterilizations since January 2018.
They received vacs, tests, tick/flea treatment, additional procedures where needed and a bag of food to take home. We will be working closely with the new communities to improve the lives of the dogs and cats even further.
THANK YOU to our small but amazing team. It's an honour to work with you. Thank you for your time, love and giving it all for the forgotten furry souls in the rural areas.
ROARing THANX to the following:
A special thank you ROAR goes out to Dr Thomas, the EnviroVet CVC team and the volunteers who gave up their Saturday (and Public Holiday!) to attend the Sterilization Day. Words cannot even begin to describe how thankful we are.
Vet: Dr Thomas and team
Volunteers: Elsa Basson Lize Oelofse Louise Schoeman Salomie du Plessis Tania Binns Joanne Brune Jan-hendrik Prinsloo and friend
Suppawters and sponsors: Freddie Kirsten for providing the venue on his farm. Andrea for much needed bag of dog food.
THANK YOU TO ALL!!!!!! Thank you for supporing our fundraising initiatives. If we accidentally left out your name, we humbly ask for forgiveness. Inbox us so that we can add your name.